日本のバブル経済が発生した原因として,プラザ合意(米、英、仏、西独,日)があげられる.これは「市場原理に基づく調整」ではなく「市場外からの政府介入に調整」である.この合意により円高の為替レートになるように各国が調節したのである.これにより1ドル = 約220円の為替相場であったものが,1年後には1ドル = 約150円となり急激な円高となったのである.そのことにより日本の輸出産業は大打撃を受け,日本全体が不況に陥ったのである.不況に陥ったときの景気対策には様々な方法があるが当時の日本では金利を下げる方法を取ったのである.プラザ合意が締結された1985年に5%だった金利は、2年後の1987年には2.5%という戦後最低の数字になったのである.そして金利が下がると,銀行からお金を借りやすくなり,それを元本に企業が新しい工場の建設や新事業へ投資をすることを促すことにより景気の回復をはかるのである.しかし,当時の日本には,国土の狭い日本は土地が限られているので経済が上昇すれば土地の値段は必ず値上がりする「土地神話」が広く知られていた.そのため銀行から借りた資金を不動産や住宅業に投機する人々が増え,過剰な流動性が発生したことにより,日本はバブル経済に突入したのである.
[1] 保坂直達 バブル経済の構造分析, 1994
What is an Economic bubble,what cause Japan’s bubble Economy from 1986 to 1991, and how did it end
The bubble economy is the state of financial and asset movements that considerably deviates considerably from the trends of economic entities and production. The economy supported by the price above the appropriate asset price is called the bubble economy. Generally it is said that the demind-pull-inflation and the bubble economy are similar. However, demind-pull-inflation is a phenomenon that occurs in normal market fluctuations. The bubble economy fluctuates with the expectation of people. Specifically, as demand rises as price rises, demand decreases with falling prices. So the bubble economy is repeated because the paradigm’s fullness, decline, and paradigm shift occur periodically.
The cause of the bubble economy in Japan is the Plaza Accord (US, UK, France, West Germany, Japan). This is not “adjustment based on market principle” but “adjustment to government intervention from outside the market”. As a result of this agreement, each country adjusted it to become the exchange rate of the yen appreciated. As a result, the exchange rate of about 220 yen per dollar became about 150 yen per dollar in a year, resulting in a sharp appreciation of the yen. After that, Japan’s export industry suffered a large blow, and the whole Japan fell into recession. There were various methods of economic measures when the economy fell into recession, and in that time Japan lowered the interest rate. In 1985, When the Plaza agreement was concluded, the interest rate was 5% and after two years the lowest postwar figures of 2.5%. When the interest rate goes down, it becomes easier to borrow money from the bank. The company uses it to invest in the construction of new plants and new business. Then we will restore the economy. However, in Japan at that time, Japan’s land was supposed to rise in price because the land was limited. As a result, many people speculated on real estate funds borrowed from banks excessive liquidity took place. Thus the Japanese bubble economy occurred.
The bubble economy of Japan was ended by the BOJ’s monetary tightening policy. The Bank of Japan stipulated “total real estate loan restrictions” and raised official discount rate from 2.5% to 6.0%. As a result, high-value real estate and shares far apart from the real economy lost buyers and began price cuts. And, due to the characteristics of the bubble economy, when the price declined, it fell into a negative spiral that the demand decreases. People who purchase land with a lot of debts from the bank can’t sell the land even if it is cheap. As a result, because the land can’t be sold, you can’t repay the debt to the bank. As a result, because banks can’t collect funds, banks can not lend funds to companies etc. As a result, Companies can’t invest in new business because they can’t borrow from banks. As a result, the company employee has poor salary because the company’s performance is bad. As a result, we do not have any salary and refrain from spending. The negative flow accelerated and the bubble collapsed.